Black Chip Poker

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  1. Folding Your Life Away

    Most poker advice that you will receive concerns the act of aggression. Betfair Poker online often mirrors life and having aggressive traits will help you win more situations than you lose. But sometimes there are games where aggression will not be enough; sometimes you need to be content to just fold your life away.

    Imagine you are playing in a live dealers choice cash game. There are six of you in the game and nobody folds pre flop. The usual norm is for a series of calls before ...

    Updated 05-08-2012 at 11:11 AM by KCasey

  2. Playing Ace King

    Big Slick is one of the most appealing yet dangerous hands in online poker. While there are few hands better in the ranking of poker hands, it’s not a complete hand unless you connect with the board. Indeed, for all its pre-flop power, ace king will still lose to a pair of deuces if it doesn’t improve post-flop.

    The best way to play ace king is to be as aggressive as possible pre-flop. At every opportunity you should raise and re-raise and, if possible, move all of your ...
  3. Doing things Differently

    Sometimes in poker is pays to play in a way that your opponents won’t expect. Indeed, taking an unconventional betting line can often make you more money than if you do the obvious.

    Take a situation, such as Texas hold em tournaments, where you hold a pair and make quads on the flop. Taking a passive line might be the standard play, but when we break it down the more deceptive thing to do is to be aggressive.

    Checking to the pre-flop aggressor when you make a strong ...
  4. Jason Mercier is The Nuts once again released its monthly poker ranking system known as The Nuts. ESPN try to take all forms of poker, including Betfair poker, into account to create a ranking system they believe highlights the very best in the game – right now.

    A panel consisting of ten members of the poker media chooses the rankings. They are Gary Wise, Bernard Lee and Andrew Feldman of ESPN, poker editor Nahuel Ponce; Bluff magazine editor-in-chief Lance Bradley along with ...

    Updated 04-23-2012 at 09:45 AM by KCasey
